"As a Mayor and Governor, I saw how important student success is to our economic competitiveness. That’s why I fight so hard as a member of the Senate education committee to protect school funding and advance important priorities like technical training. And I know how important good leadership is. Since becoming Chair of the Prince William School Board, Babur Lateef has done an excellent job returning the focus of the Prince William School Board to the classroom. Whether tackling overcrowding, safety and security, or raising teacher salaries, I know Babur is the best choice to lead Prince William Schools."
- Sen. Tim Kaine

"I have always found Dr. Lateef to be extraordinarily knowledgeable about his community. He has always prioritized the education of all the children of PWC. His goal is to achieve absolute excellence for all the children so that every parent knows their child is receiving a world-class education."
- Jim Moran
“I have full faith and confidence that Dr. Babur Lateef will continue to work extremely hard to improve the lives of students, educators, administrators, and parents in Prince William County as the School Board Chair. As a parent, I know he has the best interests of my children in mind when fighting for higher teacher pay, expanded facilities, and securing our schools from harm. I am impressed by his enthusiasm, commitment, and professionalism as interim chair. I am proud to endorse Babur Lateef’s candidacy for Prince William County School Board Chair.”
- Del. Elizabeth Guzman

"As an experienced advocate for diversity and inclusion, Dr. Babur Lateef represents the entire Prince William school community."
- State Sen. Adam Ebbin
"The reason I am running for Congress is that it is clear to me that our country - our region - needs leaders who are dedicated to uniting the people of our communities for the sake of progress. I can think of no finer example of this type of leadership than Dr. Babur Lateef.
As a parent of children in public schools, Dr. Lateef understands the challenges Prince William families face when it comes to education. He also understands the challenges the schools face in educating children in the 21st Century. Who better to find solutions for the Prince William County Public Schools than a man who has devoted his entire career to healing?
That's why I am proud to endorse Dr. Babur Lateef for Chair of the Prince William County School Board. He has the vision to unite the communities of Prince William County to make its public schools the the best in the nation.
- Vangie Williams